
Deildartunguhver is the most powerful hot spring in Europe. It covers the central heating for the nearby towns and villages. Right next to it you can find a greenhouse where its powers are harvested to grow vegetables and fruits. Visit the luxurious Krauma geothermal bathe located on-site. Deildartunguhver in Iceland is one of the country’s must-see attractions. Its rising steam pillars can be spotted miles away but once you are close you are greeted with the most amazing bubbling hot pool.

There is a fence around the hot spring to make sure visitors don’t get too close to the power source. Deildartunguhver provides 180 liters of 100°c  (212 F) water per second most of which is used for central heating in the nearby towns and villages.

The hot spring covers the hot water supply for every single settlement within a 65 kilometers radius. The water is reaches its final destination at a temperature of about  80°C or 179°F.